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Cohen Takes 'No "Fast Track"' Message to Members of Congress and Media
CWA President Larry Cohen met with the House Democratic Caucus this week and stressed that he was speaking to them "not only as CWA or labor, but as the Sierra Club, the Alliance for Justice, immigration rights groups and virtually every organization that is fighting against "fast track" and a flawed Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Cohen outlined the TPP's double standard when it comes to enforcement. CEOs and multinational corporations get to sue in a secret tribunal and get reparations if their profits are affected. Workers get, at best, a report written by our government with a long delay in negotiations to resolve the labor rights or environmental abuses. "Twenty years after NAFTA, things are much worse," he told members of Congress. "The disparity on enforcement is a disgrace."
Cohen summed it all up on the Ed Schultz MSNBC program, stressing that "we want a deal that benefits Main Street." Every union, every major environmental group, every immigrant group, pretty much the base of the Democratic party is saying the same thing. "I don’t know how the Democrats who say they’re for the middle class can even think about giving this deal a stamp of approval," he said.
House Dems to Obama: Focus on America's Infrastructure, Not Bad Trade Deals
Democratic House leaders are calling on President Obama to focus on passing multi-year surface transportation legislation before taking up the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership.
"The president will lose any leverage he may have to pass a transportation bill if they do the trade deal first," said Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH). "He loses a great deal of leverage."
Around the country our mass transit, roads, bridges, railroads and sewer systems urgently need improvements and repairs to help America compete in the global economy, argued Ryan in his letter to the president. House Democrats Peter DeFazio (OR), Rosa DeLauro (CT) and Louise Slaughter (NY) also signed on.
Ryan reiterated his proposal on a Monday press conference call with CWA President Larry Cohen.
"It is essential and brilliant to push for the surface transportation act now," said Cohen. "Everyone agrees – virtually everybody – that is a job creation bill. When I say job creation, not just directly, not a make work program. It's the infrastructure that enables all kinds of other investments to then occur."
Right now, Congress is struggling to find the money to pay for a transportation funding extension before the May 31 deadline.