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Clinton Applauds Training Alliance

President Bill Clinton met with several CWA members at an AT&T plant in Oakton, Va., where he outlined new proposals to expand job and skill opportunities for workers and applauded one of CWA’s union-management training partnerships as a way to ensure that workers will have the skills for 21st century jobs.

All were members of CWA Local 2252 and graduates of the Alliance for Employee Growth and Development, the highly successful joint training trust established by CWA, AT&T, the Electrical Workers and Lucent Technologies.

President Clinton was introduced to the crowd by Cheryl Simms, who used the Alliance to gain a promotion as a customer support specialist. Also meeting with Clinton were CWA members Marvin Dawkins, George Duncan and Yvette Shearin, along with Denise Proux, an AT&T employee whose deafness was not a barrier to gaining new skills.

On hand were Labor Secretary Alexis Herman; CWA Vice Presidents Jim Irvine, Communications and Technologies, and Pete Catucci, District 2; CWA Local 2252 President Bob Brace, and Don Treinan, executive director of the Alliance.

The Alliance recently was cited by Vice President Gore in his summit on 21st Century Skills for 21st Century Jobs as a model in promoting lifelong learning and helping workers prepare for the jobs of the future. It also has been recognized as a "best practice" program by the U.S. Dept. of Labor.

President Clinton has proposed nearly $1 billion in increased funds for adult training and education initiatives, including literacy and retaining programs. CWA President Morton Bahr, who headed the president’s Commission for a Nation of Lifelong Learners, has stressed the need for the kind of continuous learning that brings "employment" security, as workers master the skills needed for the jobs of the future.