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Cincinnati Bell Pact Boosts Pay 12.6 Percent

Cincinnati Bell Pact Boosts Pay 12.6 Percent

CWA bargainers reached a tentative agreement with Cincinnati Bell that retains quality health care benefits without cost shifting – a key issue in the talks – and provides for improvements in wages, pensions and working conditions for nearly 2,500 CWA represented workers, reported District 4 Vice President Jeff Rechenbach.

The settlement provides a 12.6 percent wage increase over the three-year contract term and includes a 10 percent increase in pension bands for the defined benefit plan and a 10 percent increase in credits to the cash balance account plan.

Improvements were made in health care coverage, with new benefits and three health care options made available to employees. Workers can choose from a plan that has no premium costs or other coverage that may carry a premium charge. A $500 guaranteed, annual bonus was negotiated that can be placed in a tax-free health care account and used to pay health care costs if a worker elects an option that carries a new premium.