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Chicago Interpreters Join Newspaper Guild

It took three years, but court interpreters in Chicago finally have a union, having voted 51-29 to join the Chicago Newspaper Guild, TNG-CWA Local 34071. The unit represents 121 Cook County interpreters who collectively speak 50 languages, as well as sign language.

The organizing drive started in late 1998, and in 2000 more than 70 percent of the interpreters signed cards to join the Guild. But court management agreed to recognize only full-time interpreters as union members, saying the many part-timers were independent contractors, not employees, and therefore not eligible.

The court itself took the case to the Illinois Labor Relations Board, where a judge ruled in favor of the union. The court appealed the case to the full board and lost again. Meanwhile, the local had conducted a mail election. Organizers had to wait for the board’s decision before they were able to count the ballots March 20.

“The going got tough at times but we had a very determined and united organizing team, our interpreters working group,” said Kathleen Orozco, one of the lead organizers.

“Our attitude was that this is a worthwhile project, it would lead to professional improvement and it was worth sticking to it,” she said. “With the assistance of the Guild staff, we knew we would be victorious ultimately if we stuck together.”

The unit is drafting a contract proposal that will seek health care benefits for part-timers and better pay for all interpreters. “The pay rates in New Jersey, California and Massachusetts, and the federal system are benchmarks to shoot for,” Orozco said. “We don’t think the work we perform is any less challenging.”