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Campaign Season Fundraising Helps CWA-COPE Near $2 Million Goal

CWA-COPE took another leap toward its goal of reaching “$2 Million by 2000,” as locals and individuals contributed $1,687,832 last year. That’s $88,645 more than in 1998, reported Secretary-Treasurer Barbara Easterling, urging locals to continue a personal, one-on-one approach to raising funds for the union’s political action committee.

“Your continued participation in CWA-COPE and the work you are doing signing up new members will ensure that our goals are achieved: that we elect the president, vice president, House and Senate members and governors,” Easterling said.

Congratulating 554 locals for achieving 100 percent of their COPE-CWA quotas, and staff who participated in 1999, she announced membership figures for all three levels of regular contributions through payroll deduction. CWA-COPE Quorum, $120 a year, came through with 2,585 members; Platinum Quorum, $240, with 1,133 members; and Triple Quorum, $360, with 894 members. Triple Quorum membership increased by 52 members in the last year.

Eighty-seven officers, members and staff now belong to the 400 Plus Club, a distinction earned by contributing $400 annually, representing an increase of 42 members. Sixty-two members of the 500 Plus club last year contributed $500 or more. 500 Plus Club membership increased by 36 participants in 1999.

Easterling presented top CWA-COPE fundraising awards to:

  • District 3 and Vice President Jimmy Smith: Platinum Quorum Award for most members enrolled, 300, and Quorum Award for most members, 946.
  • District 6 and Vice President Andy Milburn: District Sweepstakes Award for highest percentage of quota, 263 percent; Special Achievement Awards for highest percentage of membership participation in CWA-COPE PCC Checkoff, payroll deduction, 15 percent, and highest amount raised, $397,970; Triple Quorum Award for most members enrolled, 245.
  • CWA Local 1101 and President Joe Connolly: Checkoff Achievement Award for largest number of members in CWA-COPE PCC Checkoff, 2,399.
  • CWA Local 1301 and President George Alcott: Special Local Award for most CWA- COPE dollars, $65,904; Distinguished Presidents Awards for highest percentage of voluntary dollars, 9,951 percent, and for most voluntary dollars, $65,904; Triple Quorum Award for most members enrolled, 132.
  • CWA Local 3212 and President Larry Wofford: Quorum Achievement Award for most members enrolled, 142.
  • CWA Local 3719 and President F.B. McKerley Jr.: Checkoff Achievement Award for highest percentage of membership participation in CWA-COPE PCC Checkoff, 100 percent.
  • TNG-CWA Local 229 and President Rita Gatton: Special Local Award for highest percentage of quorum, 2,863 percent.
  • CWA Local 6222 and President Claude Cummings: Platinum Quorum Award for most members enrolled, 59.
    State awards for 100 percent participation by locals went to Arizona, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia and West Virginia.

Districts 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 13 all increased their percentage of participation over the previous year, Easterling said.