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Campaign for Senate Rules Reform Picks Up Speed

At a news conference this week, Senators Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), Tom Udall (D-N.M.) and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) outlined their proposal to restore real debate and accountability to the U.S. Senate, and a growing number of senators are signing on.

Harkin focused on why reform was necessary: "What has the filibuster become? A means whereby a minority in the Senate dictates what we can and cannot do. We have stood democracy on its head. The minority has the power, and not the responsibility, to [stop] legislation. The majority has the responsibility, and not the power, to enact legislation."

The Harkin-Udall-Merkely proposal wouldn’t eliminate the filibuster but would change the rule determining whether a bill gets to the Senate floor for full debate, among other reforms.

Next week, senators will start to debate the proposed rule changes.

CWAers and members of Common Cause, Sierra Club and many other progressive organizations are calling their senators, asking them to support reform. Keep your ears open for radio interviews with CWA President Larry Cohen, Common Cause President Bob Edgar and other leaders who are talking about the dysfunctional Senate and what must be done to make it work again.

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