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California Court Interpreters Push for Contract

More than 150 Los Angeles Superior Court interpreters drew public attention to their contract fight last week with a high-spirited noontime rally at the criminal courts building.

"It was very energetic and very well attended," said Silvia Barden, president of the California Federation of Interpreters-CWA, which represents the Los Angeles-area interpreters as well as their colleagues throughout the state. All are fighting for first contracts with their court employers.

"We had signs, whistles, maraccas, tambourines, cow bells," Barden said. "We handed out flyers and gave away stickers that say 'I ♥ interpreters' and virtually everyone was wearing them."

Interpreters in the San Diego and San Francisco areas have also held rallies recently, and collectively stayed off the job for one day. Strike votes in both areas have passed overwhelmingly, but Barden said everyone hopes it won't come to that.

The 700 interpreters statewide, who together speak about 50 languages, were considered independent contractors until a new law two years ago made them court employees. However, they still have no health care, vacation or other benefits and Barden said they haven't had a raise in more than five years.

"We walked out one day about five years ago and shook a small raise out of them," she said. "Union organizing began after that."

The interpreters' union is divided into four regions throughout California. Talks began last September with union bargaining committees of three to five interpreters in each region. Los Angeles appears to be the closest to having a proposal for members to vote on, Barden said.