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Building Our Movement
CWA's Iowa State Council meets to begin building political power for legislative and electoral campaigns in 2014.
In Bakersfield, Calif., a "buy-cott" is encouraging people to shop at stores that support comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship. CWA activists working with the Kern Coalition for Citizenship have helped sign up more than 70 small businesses, which have all posted flyers of support in their windows. Flyers read, "This Business Supports Economic Opportunities For All. We Support Immigration Reform With A Pathway To Citizenship."
CWA Local 1039 in rallies outside the New Jersey State Capitol today in support of a fair contract for child care providers and raising the minimum wage. On Nov. 5, residents will be voting on a ballot measure that would increase the minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $8.25 an hour.