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Blog Entry from The Pump Handle: One year after the BP/Deepwater Horizon Disaster

One year after the Deepwater Horizon: Will the next cleanup be better?

From The Pump Handle blog, as featured on ScienceBlogs
by Elizabeth Grossman

When the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded on April 20, 2010, killing 11 of the 126 workers on board and critically injuring three, the ruptured Macondo well - located nearly a mile beneath the sea surface about 50 miles southeast of Venice, Louisiana - unleashed what has been called the largest accidental release of oil in history. By the time the well was capped on July 15th, an estimated five million barrels of oil had flowed into the Gulf of Mexico, affecting more than 350 miles of Gulf Coast, from Louisiana to Florida.

Read the full entry here.