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Biggest Ever COPE Contest Underway

CWA's COPE contest is really taking off. Just since May, when the contest began, there's been an increase of $30,244 for COPE, from new contributors or increased contributions. So far, District 6 is leading the contest with the most cards.

Every District and Sector that meets the minimum quota for a 5 percent increase in giving will hold a drawing among those CWA members who have signed up or increased their COPE contributions. Districts or sectors that don't reach the 5 percent mark will hold a combined drawing. CWA will award up to eight top prizes of a trip for two to Las Vegas, including airfare and two nights' hotel accommodation.

Any CWAer who becomes a new contributor or increases her or his weekly contributions by $1 will get a COPE t-shirt.

The contest runs until October and the winners will be announced on Election Day, Nov. 2.