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Bell Atlantic-GTE Partnership Will Expand Competition, Access and Service, CWA tells FCC

The proposed merger of Bell Atlantic and GTE will create a company able to compete in new markets nationwide, one that will bring all classes of consumers new choices in local, long distance, data/Internet and wireless services. The merger clearly meets the goals and tests of telecommunications reform and should be approved, the Communications Workers of America said in a filing to the Federal Communications Commission.

The CWA statement outlined several key areas in which a merged Bell Atlantic-GTE will benefit consumers. These include expanding services to the mass market; speeding the deployment of advanced telecommunications networks; boosting the growth of high-quality jobs and enhancing competition in wireless and international markets.

Until now, new entrants in the local exchange market have focused almost exclusively on serving large business customers; in contrast, a merged Bell Atlantic-GTE "will have the resources, skilled employees, technology, customers and product/service base to enter and compete with other incumbent local exchange carriers across the country," CWA said. The companies' plans are to compete in 21 new markets, with a commitment to provide services "to all classes of consumers," the filing noted.

The merger not only will enhance the development of advanced telecommunications networks, but will ensure that competition in a number of data and Internet services will continue to allow for affordability and access for all Americans, a principal goal of telecommunications reform, CWA pointed out.

Equally important is the growth of quality jobs in the industry, and this merger, unlike others that have focused on cutting costs and firing workers, will actually create new jobs in some 21 additional markets. "Bell Atlantic and GTE recognize that having a stable, high-quality workforce is a key contributor to success and to providing quality customer service," the filing noted. This merger will enable the companies to "ensure that today's high standards of service delivered by experienced, well-compensated employees and good labor relations will carry over to the advanced data network," CWA said.

Finally, the merger will strengthen the ability of the combined company to compete in the increasingly competitive arena of international telecommunications and information, as well as in wireless and other developing technologies, CWA pointed out.


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