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Bargaining Rights Mean Dignity: The Message of April 4

Across our country on April 4, working people and allies from the civil rights movement, the religious community, student groups and many more are standing together for the rights of all workers to bargain for a middle-class life, our right to a voice in the political process and the respect that all people deserve.
More than 250 CWA events are planned so far, with more being posted every day at Check out the map to find out what's happening in your community. And go to for community events and other actions in your area. So far, there are 600 events being planned by allies, with 100 teach-ins scheduled. Stay tuned.
Just a few highlights:
- Members of Local 1102 in Staten Island, N.Y., will take a "ferry ride for freedom," then march to the "We Are One" rally outside city hall in NYC.
- In Newark, NJ, CWA and other union members, allies and civil rights activists will rally at the corner of Broad and Market Streets, then march to Essex County College for music, speeches and other events remembering Dr. Martin Luther King and his commitment to workers’ rights.
- In Salt Lake City, Utah, members of Local 7704 will be leafleting outside offices and wearing red to show support for workers' bargaining rights.
- Lots of action and leafleting outside more than two dozen T-Mobile stores and call centers, where workers are excited about having a voice on the job.
- In Washington, D.C., activists will rally outside the Washington office of the Koch brothers, big financial backers of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and other extremists.