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We have been informed that Avaya will be holding a special shareholders meeting in Dover, Delaware on September 28th. 2007 at the Dupont Hotel. At stake will be the planned merger with Avaya, Silver Lake Partners III,L.P. and  TPG Partners V, L.P.


If the merger is approved, Avava will no longer be a publically held company, thus the Employee Stock Purchase Plan will no longer be available to our members.  Since the Employee Stock Purchase Plan is a mandatory subject of bargaining, discussions will take place with CWA, IBEW and Avaya on August 20th and 21st to resolve the outstanding issue.


I plan to speak at the meeting on behalf of our members. I want to hear what the new owners have to say concerning the business going forward and what role our members will play in the new merged company. Any local planning to attend, should notify my office so we can make sure there will be no problems getting in to the meeting.


If you have any questions, please feel free to call.  


In Unity,


Ralph Maly Jr.
Vice President