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Avaya Field Services Absence Policy

To:  All Local Officers Representing Members at Avaya

It has come to our attention that Avaya has instituted a Field Services Absence policy and is requesting all technicians to go on the Web, read the policy, and sign that they have read and understand it.

The only absence program negotiated with CWA is the one in the 2006 contract.  It's an incentive program for the two call centers and does not include discipline.  The email request is out of line and there is no requirement for Field Technicians to sign anything to do with an Avaya policy.  This is no different than the Code of Conduct on the Web, and we have told Avaya that our advice to the membership is not to sign any such form.

Below is a copy of the email from Avaya stating what the manager is to do if the Technician does not sign the form:

"For field technicians who refuse to sign anything attesting to their understanding of a particular policy, their FSM would simply note on the document that s/he covered the policy with the employee and that the employee refused to sign.  Please send your RD a copy of these refusals.  Additionally, if the technician has no access to the web, please collect the forms manually and send the forms to your RD."

In Unity,

Gerald W. Souder
CWA Representative

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