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Avaya Ethics Hotline

To:  All Avaya Locals

It has again come to CWA's attention that managers are telling workers to improperly code their time.  We are also aware that Avaya has created a full-time management position that supervises GPS.  Workers are being challenged about time coding and GPS reports.

When the workers say to corporate security, "My manager told me to code my time this way," the managers claim they don't recall the conversation.  The burden of proof falls on the worker, and most of the time we lose.  It is outrageous enough that, while Avaya touted cost saving and improved efficiencies, its very use has now created another management position which I'm sure has not helped Avaya realize any cost savings; but now that they are harming workers, it appears that's what it has always been about.

If your manager tells you to code time in any manner that does not appropriately match the work you are doing, call 1-877-99ETHIC and ask the question.  If managers tell you that coding time in a particular way will keep the office from having a surplus, tell them to "talk to the hand".  Time coding has not stopped surpluses; Company mismanagement has caused the surpluses.  Perhaps if time reports accurately reflected what work is being done, we would be in a far better place.

Do not put your work life in jeopardy by falsifying records.  Call 1-877-99ETHIC!  Let's make these managers work at the ethics hotline.

In Unity,

Lois J. Grimes-Patow
CWA Representative

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