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Avaya Call Center Mobilization Report

From:   Lois J. Grimes and Kevin Kimber
Subject:  Avaya Call Center Mobilization

We conducted our mobilization call with the call center locations on May 1, 2006.  Each location reported on their mobilization activities specifically leading up to the opening day of bargaining.

Tennessee requested their members wear red and they had a good showing.  The Local passed out the Unity letter.  The Local also sponsored a members luncheon and with perfect timing the “Its about Jobs” shirts arrived so the Local was able to distribute them.


In Oklahoma work began on Friday, April 28, 2006 with a flyer being handed out regarding activities over the weekend.  On Monday, the Local conducted an information picket and brothers and sisters from Cingular assisted.  The “jobs” tee shirts were distributed as well as a flyer with questions and answers on the strike fund.


In Florida, at one location “jobs” tee shirts were worn.  Buttons were distributed and workers stood at 10:00am for five minutes and clapped and chanted CWA—CWA—CWA !  The other two locations had “its about jobs” cakes throughout the day.  These two locations stood at 10:00am too.


At the Georgia locations “jobs” tee shirts were distributed and so were clickers.  The E. Board and other members of the Local stormed the work locations parading through with picket signs causing quite a stir especially as a barrage of clicking greeted them.  Everyone felt energized!


In Colorado the festivities began on Monday, April 23, 2006 and continued all week.  Monday unity chains were linked in both locations.  Tuesday the “how sweet it is” campaign kicked off.  Wednesday they began no overtime/no mentor roll out.  Thursday was red day with the spirit sticks being awarded to the group where they saw the most red.  Friday coffin suckers were distributed (see separate posting).  On May 1st a rally was conducted with speakers and music.  Additionally some picketers stood by the highway with signs saying “Honk for American Jobs”.  The group was met by 8 police cars and police officers inside the building all because management thought they were going to bring the infamous casket into the building.  That was never the plan and no arrests were made.  Kevin and I were picturing this silliness because we don’t get what one would be arrested for unless it was illegal possession of an unregistered oblong box?  A car-avan then left HR and proceeded to Pecos Avenue.  The cars paraded around the building honking then parked down the street and walked procession style (where was that casket?) to the building.  It was the “Walk for our jobs” procession!  Along the way passers by in cars and on motorcycles joined following them honking in unity.  What a great event!


All the centers did an outstanding job.  Your bargaining team appreciated the support.