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Avaya Bargaining Report #11
Today began with a UPS delivery of a gift basket of assorted candies and snacks to the bargaining team. The gift basket was courtesy of T Santora, President of CWA Local 9000, Los Angeles, CA. Thanks to T from the bargaining team.
Also being delivered was a gift for the Avaya Company Representatives from non-disclosed supportive CWA members. Delivered to Avaya Management in a plain, brown wrapper, the gift was opened gingerly to expose a boxful of condoms and a request to not (blank) over the membership during these negotiations. Thanks to those who shall remain nameless.
Large thanks go to CWA Local 3108, Orlando, FL, for visiting and handbilling at an Avaya Users Group conference in that city. The handbills were passed to potential Avaya customers urging them to demand Avaya Union technicians and Avaya U.S. Union support of installation and maintenance of their systems.
Family pictures of children, spouses and pets were sent to the bargaining team from the Denver area to present to Avaya management to remind them of the needs that exist for quality health care for the members and their families.
At the bargaining table today, CWA passed bargaining proposals to increase wages, increase pensions, and adjust the lump sum option.
A counter to Avaya's offer of reducing the savings plan was passed back with CWA demands of increasing the match.
Also rejected by CWA were Avaya's proposals for non-paid furlough weeks, reduction of Avaya award payout, elimination of term pay as known, and reduction of coordinators.
In the health care arena, the Union rejected the Company's proposal to initiate outlandish premiums, increase co-pays, and other cost-shifting expense to both active and retired.
Passed back to the Company were proposals to maintain active health care as is and increase medical caps for retirees with no cost shifting.
Job security language, certification increase and successorship language also was submitted to the Company today.
Finally, language to restrict the use of GPS was presented and discussed.
As today draws to a close, it is more obvious than ever that Avaya has no regard for their present employees, our members, and no regard for the retired and future retired. Every concession the membership has made that has resulted in a savings to the Company is old news to them. Their intent is dig further into OUR pockets for THEIR benefit. Our intent is to not let them.