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Avaya Bargaining Committee Selection

To: All Avaya Local Presidents – Communications & Technologies


As you all know, we will be electing the Avaya Bargaining Committee during the CWA Convention. It will consist of four (4) elected members. One will be from the centers; the other three will be from the technical ranks.

As in the past, the C&T office will post profiles for those candidates choosing to run for a bargaining position on the C&T web site. Please submit your resume by June 19, 2008 to my secretary, Mary Moran, at

Here are the requirements for your submission:

1. Each profile should list the bargaining position the individual is seeking.

2. The profile should be 250 words or less.

3. If candidates wish to submit pictures with their profiles, those will be added as well.

4. Any person who wishes to be a candidate may submit a profile and it will be posted until nominations are conducted (date to be determined later).

5. Anyone submitting a profile must be a member in good standing.

6. After the election is conducted and the elected bargaining team members’ names are posted on the web, all profiles will at that time be removed.

In Unity,
Ralph V. Maly Jr.
Vice President