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ATTN: Political Editors Covering CA Election/Initiative Results<BR>CWA Statement on California Prop.

California citizens voted down Prop. 226 for good reason.

They weren't swayed by the radical right, which apparently thought it could sucker working people into voting away their political voice.

During this campaign, the public had a rare opportunity to learn what unions do, not just for members, but on behalf of all working families. When the facts came out, support overwhelmingly shifted away from the union bashers and their sloganeering about aunion bosses and paycheck protection„ and in favor of the organizations that really represent working families.

Voters decided not to be duped, especially by the people who just want to get rid of unions altogether.

The lesson here, especially for the radical right, is that working people want a voice in California, they want a voice in national politics, and they know a slick story when they hear one.

CWA, with some 60,000 members in California, is proud of the role it played in getting out the truth about the rightwing's version of " paycheck protection."

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CWA Communications