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AT&T Premise Tech Saves Life of 4-Month Old Baby

Andrel Reid with baby girl.
On a house call, AT&T Premise Tech Andrel Reid saved the life of this 4-month old baby girl.

AT&T Premise Technician Andrel Reid has been on the job for just six months, but he will always remember his Feb. 1 visit to the Lansing, Mich., home of customer Christine Duffy. The Local 4034 member was dispatched to fix Duffy's U-verse service, but he ended up saving the life of Duffy's four-month old baby girl.

Minutes after Reid arrived on the job, baby Sara was in serious trouble. "She was coughing. It just started blocking up her system and she just started choking on the congestion. Around her eyes it was getting all red and she started turning different colors," Duffy told local NBC affiliate WILX.

Reid stepped in to help. "I put the baby in a position that I was taught in training, put the baby in my palm, flipped her over and gave her a light thrust to her back. That's when everything came up, and the baby actually started laughing and smiling at me," he told a local TV news reporter.

Reid, who gets CPR-certified as part of his training, was happy he could help, but probably doesn't consider himself to be a hero. "We're in people's homes all day. . . Stuff happens and we're the only ones there," he said. Click here to view the news report.

CWA District 4 Vice President Seth Rosen said "what makes this act of heroism even more amazing is the pressure our prem techs are under to meet arbitrary performance standards. Especially now, as we are about to begin contract negotiations in a few weeks, we hope AT&T realizes the importance of its front line employees."