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AT&T Legacy T Bargaining Report #14
Legacy T Bargaining Report #14
For over a year, Randall Stephenson has been talking about his vision of “2020” - AT&T’s network becoming IP based, allowing AT&T to offer all kinds of new services. For us there are two different visions of that year: one is a Company with a handful of bargaining unit members left, while work is done by Contractors, Managers and off shore employees. The other is what we are fighting for - a good size Union workforce trained for the new jobs and the new technology and new ways to work with customers.
Today was our day at the table to present our employment security proposals. While they proposed eliminating JOG, we proposed expanding it so that those hired after 2012 are included. We proposed no layoffs for the duration of the Contract. When asked where the jobs would come from we told them there are enough jobs still subcontracted at home and abroad to keep every member. We also proposed maintaining the “watermark” of employment we have in our contract. We expanded language under our “Subcontracting/Bargaining Unit Work” subcommittee to discuss new acquisitions, like AT&T Digital Life and DirecTV (if that merger goes through). We had other discussions at the table about DirecTV jobs and who will be doing that work if it becomes part of AT&T. Finally we proposed strengthening the language in the “Employment Security” letter to cover more members and tighten up some of the provisions (like the NE language).
We are facing huge challenges this bargaining, particularly on Pensions and Active and Retiree Health Insurance, but the bottom line is - we need to keep our jobs.
Vote YES on the strike vote and prepare for one. Locals should be working on picket duty assignments and arrangements for the Defense Fund. Meanwhile, every Local should be mobilizing every day to show the Company we are serious about fighting for what we need.
Your Bargaining Team,
Bill Bates
Laura Unger
Lois Grimes-Patow
Isa Shabazz
Martha Flagge
Mary Ellen Mazzeo
LaNell Piercy
Roy Hegenbart
Cindy Neumeyer