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Americans for Democratic Action Honors House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi

Washington , D.C.-- United States House of Representatives Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi was the Honored Guest at the 64th Annual Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) Awards Banquet on September 13, 2011, here in Washington, DC. The current House Democratic Leader and former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives was warmly welcomed at a formal dinner gathering of enthusiastic supporters as ADA bestowed the prestigious Francis Perkins Award for Outstanding Government Service. This was another historic and proud moment for women in America.

Francis Perkins served as the first woman Cabinet Member appointed as Secretary of Labor under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. She is described by Department of Labor (DOL) historians as “the principle architect of the Social Security Act” and was the driving force behind the creation of the Social Security Administration. There she established the Bureau of Labor Standards while using her considerable influence to promote new federal safety regulations spurned in the wake of the Triangle Shirt Waist Factory tragedy. Respected for her forthright and uncompromising views about the safety and welfare of the American worker, the Department of Labor Headquarters Building was named after Ms. Perkins in 1980, and in 1988 she was inducted into the department’s Hall of Fame.

In her introductory remarks, ADA President and United States Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) remarked that it was fitting and appropriate to award Leader Pelosi with this tribute for her service and respect for workers since she will be remembered throughout history as the first woman Speaker of the United States House of Representatives while the Honorable Ms. Perkins will forever be remembered as the first woman ever to serve in a presidential cabinet post.

In her acceptance remarks, Leader Pelosi gave hope that the progressive movement through the work of ADA would hold the line against hostile ultra-conservative forces that threaten to weaken the American middle class. She remains committed to the work of ADA and in particular its supporters including organized labor that are the hope for the future. Of those assembled last night, the Leader assured us that our civic engagement work is inextricably linked. And that it will be through our concerted efforts that America will again serve as that shining light around the world for freedom and democracy.

Brooks Sunkett and Nancy Pelosi, ADA Banquet
CWA VP Brooks Sunkett and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi

As a sponsor, CWA was represented at the event by Public, Healthcare and Education Workers Vice President Brooks Sunkett, Assistant to the Secretary-Treasurer Teri Pluta, Legislative Director Shane Larson, Human Rights Director Alfonso Pollard, and CWA Staff Representative Nancy Biagini. President Cohen, while seeing to Verizon negotiations and the AT&T/T-Mobile merger, among others, sent his best wishes for a successful event. CWA Secretary-Treasurer Annie Hill said of the distinguished awardee , “Nancy Pelosi’s successful leadership on national healthcare for all Americans as well as her support for the rights of working families helped revive the heartbeat of an ailing national economy mired in a disastrous housing and financial crisis. As Speaker of the House and Leader of the Democratic Caucus, her successful legislative actions will forever serve as a beacon to all who strive for social justice. But more important, she so deservedly serves as a role model to women around the world who believe in family values, the power of inclusion, fairness, and uncompromising leadership. Congratulations, Leader Pelosi.”

In addition to Leader Pelosi, other ADA honorees for the evening included Dr. Dennis Van Roekel, President of the National Education Association, who received the Reuther-Chavez Award for Labor Leadership, and Jack Blum, a widely respected Washington attorney who received the Winn Newman Lifetime Achievement Award. A host of political luminaries graced the event including Senator John Kerry (D-MA), Representatives Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), and Virginia House of Delegates Member-Democratic State Chairman Brian Moran. A host of labor representatives also attended including Leo Gerard, President of the United Steel Workers; Myke Reid, Vice President, American Postal Workers Union; and retired CWA Legislative Director Lou Gerber, Senior Fellow with the Food Research & Action Network.

CWA has long been an ADA member-partner. A number of CWA officials have served on the ADA Board of Directors ensuring continuity of progressive democratic principles between our respective organizations. Longtime ADA board member Cheryl C. Kagan served as the emcee for the event. Special thanks also go to ADA National Director Michael J. Wilson as well as ADA staff.

Americans for Democratic Action is one of the nation’s leading organizations that promote equality and social justice. CWA is proud of our relationship and looks forward to many more years of cooperative service.