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Allies in Action: A Marathon for Fairness in Providence

Occupy Providence and Jobs with Justice are allies with staying power! The activists set up a round-the-clock occupation near Verizon’s offices in Providence from 2 p.m. Saturday, September 1, to 11 a.m. on Labor Day. Then they all joined a Labor Day march to the city’s financial district, protesting Verizon’s job cuts and attempts to shrink workers’ benefits and destroy job security.

Both the Occupiers and Jobs with Justice also have been leafleting Verizon Wireless stores to make consumers aware of the company’s anti-worker policies. Jobs with Justice is planning joint actions with IBEW local 2323, the Newspaper Guild, CWA, and the building trades to leaflet stores together on September 19.

We all want the same thing: Fairness for the 99 percent!