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AFA-CWA Plans CHAOS to Stop Industry Assault

The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA has called for a nationwide strike by flight attendants. The union is taking a stand against airline management's misuse of the bankruptcy process to wipe out the economic and professional gains made by generations of flight attendants, said AFA-CWA President Pat Friend.

At its meeting in Pittsburgh, the AFA-CWA board of directors unanimously approved a resolution to implement the union's CHAOS strike program when any carrier, with or without the approval of a bankruptcy court, unilaterally imposes new contract terms on flight attendants.

CHAOS - Create Havoc Around Our System - was first used by flight attendants from Alaska Airlines to gain a fair contract. The tactic calls for flight attendants to strike one flight or dozens, in one city or the entire country, when flight attendants at any carrier have their contract thrown out.

This strategy is necessary, because "our entire industry is in turmoil and the careers of our flight attendants all hang in the balance," Friend said. "Pensions are being wiped out with the sound of a judge's gavel. Health care coverage for employees is reaching cost levels unaffordable to flight attendants who every year sacrifice more of their income to 'save their airline.' Almost everywhere we look, flight attendants are being forced to work longer hours with reduced rest time and all for ever-decreasing wages. This must stop," she said.

At US Airways, flight attendants are facing the loss of their pension plan and the elimination of retiree health care, in addition to demands for steep wage cuts.

The strike authorization vote process for flight attendants at US Airways, United, ATA and Hawaiian Airlines which have all filed for bankruptcy protection, will get underway shortly. Flight attendants at all other airlines will be asked to support the strike. Secondary strikes are legal under the RLA.

AFA-CWA represents about 46,000 flight attendants at 26 carriers.