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Tune in Early for TU News Conference

TUWake up early on Friday and log on to the live news conference in Bonn, Germany, where CWA and ver.di are taking their global campaign for fair treatment at T-Mobile USA to the next stage.

The news conference begins at 5 am EDT. Click here to log on then or later in the day to see the news conference.

CWA President Larry Cohen is joining Lothar Schroeder, an executive board member of ver.di, the union representing German workers at Deutsche Telekom and T-Mobile, in calling on DT to end its double standard in how it treats workers in the U.S. compared to other countries. Also on hand: Professor John Logan and Marcus Courtney, head of UNI Telecom.

Ver.di and CWA formed TU last year to help win bargaining rights for workers at T-Mobile USA.