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"This Is The Time For All Workers To Have Collective Bargaining Rights"

Union activist and TSA agent Kim Kraynak thanks union members for supporting the agents' fight for bargaining rights. At left is CWA President Larry Cohen and AFA-CWA President Patricia Friend.CWAers rallied with hundreds of union activists in late February to support full collective bargaining rights for the nation’s 40,000 airport security officers.

At a rally at the AFL-CIO, activists called on the Obama administration to carry out its pledge to grant the workers, employees of the Transportation Security Administration, bargaining rights like other federal workers.

The American Federation of Government Employees, which is working with the transportation security officers, or TSOs, to gain bargaining rights, filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Authority calling for a union election. AFGE already represents 13,000 TSOs. 

At the rally, AFGE President John Gage called on the Obama administration and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to move forward now.

CWA President Larry Cohen said the workers’ struggle for collective bargaining rights should be supported by everyone who wants a union, or belongs to a union.

“Every one of us carries the message proudly that this is the time for all workers in this country to have full collective bargaining rights,” Cohen said. “This is also a message to every employer that this labor movement is back. We’re fighting back, and we’re going to win.”

Because of low pay, poor morale, and often unsafe working conditions, airport screeners have among the highest turnover rates of any job in the federal government.

AFA-CWA President Patricia Friend dismissed claims that TSA workers should not have bargaining rights because it would threaten national security.

“In the airport cabin, flight attendants are the last line of defense to keep airline passengers safe,” said Friend. “As airport screeners, you are the first line of defense and deserve to have the same rights to improve your working conditions.”

Photo Caption: Union activist and TSA agent Kim Kraynak thanks union members for supporting the agents' fight for bargaining rights. At left is CWA President Larry Cohen and AFA-CWA President Patricia Friend.