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Tell US Airways and Piedmont: 'Pull the Plug on LRI'

Across the union movement, activists are taking a stand for Piedmont workers who want a union voice.

Piedmont, a subsidiary of US Airways, has hired a notorious union-busting firm, LRI, to keep workers from having a union voice.

CWA has been working with the 2,900 Piedmont gate/ramp workers to get the union representation they want, but not surprising, Piedmont management has pulled out every trick in the union-buster playbook to block workers' right to make their own fair and free choice.

So join the fight. Activists are emailing a letter to US Airways CEO Doug Parker reminding him that workers should be able to decide about union representation for themselves, without interference and coercion from a firm like LRI. We're calling on Parker to pull the plug on LRI.

Click here for more information and to stand up for Piedmont workers.