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Still Fighting for Justice

EZ Pass workers protest Xerox's illegal retaliation against workers who want a CWA voice.

When the National Labor Relations Board finally rejected Xerox's claims and certified the vote by EZ Pass workers for a CWA voice - a vote held 15 MONTHS AGO - you might think that a big-name company like Xerox would stop its union-busting campaign.

Well, think again.

Xerox, which runs EZ Pass, finally agreed to comply with the law and bargain with CWA, about 15 months late. The EZ Pass workers are pleased to see their employer finally say it will bargain. But despite agreeing to bargain, Xerox is continuing its campaign of intimidation and harassment in the EZ Pass call center. That makes it hard to believe that Xerox will bargain in good faith at the negotiating table.

Back in June, Xerox told 19 workers they could transfer into worse jobs - or get out. All 19 workers selected for the forced transfer wear red to show solidarity. Not a single worker who doesn't wear red in the call center was force-transferred. Many activists quit rather than take a pay cut and a worse job. Xerox should reverse the forced transfers and stop harassing people for supporting the union. Maybe then CWA can believe that Xerox will follow the law and bargain in good faith for a fair contract. CWA will keep taking on Xerox and fighting to get a fair contract for EZ Pass workers.


And if you need more evidence that our labor laws help management intimidate workers and block union representation, here it is.

A CWA campaign among about 50 workers in Akron, Ohio, at the BF Goodrich Credit union was hit hard by an anti-union campaign that included captive audience meetings, one-on-one meetings and other intimidating tactics especially directed at union supporters.

CWA Local 4302 helped build a strong committee, but it's hard to overcome intense management bullying and harassment. The vote was 25 no, 19 yes. Not so long ago, workers in these types of units - a credit union of a union-organized company - would have their call for union representation automatically recognized. Not any more.