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Public, Political Leaders Take Stand for Minnesota NABET-CWA Local

Public television employees represented by NABET-CWA 57411 volunteer at the local's Minnesota State Fair booth, where more than 1,000 people have signed cards supporting the workers' fair  contract fight, including Sen. Al Franken and Rep. Keith Ellison. From left: Local President Richard "Butch" Bowring, member David Bales, Minnesota CWA Council President Tim Lovaasen and Ellison.

NABET-CWA members at Twin Cities Public Television in Minneapolis have taken their fight for a fair contract to the State Fair, where elected officials have joined hundreds of Minnesotans in signing cards of support for the union.

Senators Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar, Rep. Keith Ellison and gubernatorial candidate Mark Dayton have stopped by the union's booth and signed postcards that Local 57411 members will give to KCTA and KTCI management.

The unit represents technicians, graphic designers and camera operators, with just seven fulltime jobs and 40 part-timers. Bargaining began in February, with management looking to restrict the union's jurisdiction over work and cut even more fulltime jobs.

"It's a classic case of union-busting," Local President Butch Bowring said. "When we agreed last year to wage concessions to help save jobs, TPT thanked us by laying off most of the remaining fulltime staff. And to make matters worse, now they're trying to eliminate our jobs altogether."

Bowring said members are sticking together and enthusiastically volunteering at the fair booth. "We are fighting back and we have the community behind us," he said.