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NLRB: Albany Newspaper Layoffs Violated Labor Law, Hearing Set for May

The National Labor Relations Board has charged the Albany, N.Y., Times Union newspaper with breaking labor law by abruptly dismissing workers last summer while TNG-CWA was negotiating over layoffs.

Tim O'Brien, president of TNG-CWA Local 31034, said the union knew the company broke the law and now the NLRB agrees. "This is no longer an argument between the newspaper management and the union. This is the equivalent of an indictment of the newspaper's management," O'Brien said.

Last July, managers showed up at the desks of a dozen workers in the newsroom and advertising and circulation departments and walked them to the personnel office, where a security guard was stationed.

An administrative law judge will hear the case May 17. The paper could be ordered to rehire the employees and resume good-faith negotiations.