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Fighting Cruel Budget Cuts, 35,000 Turn Out for Massive NJ Rally

A sea of N.J. public workers, activists and community supporters fills the grounds of the state capitol in Trenton to protest the Governor's budget.In the largest rally in New Jersey history, thousands of CWA members and some 35,000 activists in all jammed the state capitol grounds in Trenton to denounce the Governor's budget that will devastate vital services but give millionaires more tax breaks.

Some 7,000 CWA members from more than 30 public and private sector locals were joined by 20 other unions and more than 100 organizations, community groups, environmental and anti-poverty activists, the faith community, and more.

In a speech that rocked the crowd, CWA District 1 Vice President Chris Shelton said "we are experiencing the most severe, pervasive and sustained attack on public employees, public employee unions and public sector collective bargaining" since workers got the right to organize.

"We are saying loud and clear to those folks in the Statehouse, whether they are sitting in the governor's office or the Legislature, we are fed up, and we are not going to take it anymore.

Today marks "the beginning of a new political movement in this state, one that stands in opposition to the kinds of cruel and unnecessary cuts that are devastating New Jersey. One that says to all elected officials, if you want our support, you have to earn it."

NJ public workers stand up for quality education and quality services.Budget cuts and privatization schemes proposed by Republican Governor Chris Christie would devastate services for the disabled and elderly, and slash funding for education and local government. Yet just last week, Christie vetoed a bill that would have raised taxes on millionaires to offset some of the pain being felt by everyone else.

Outraged activists have put lawmakers on notice that they will share the blame if Christie's proposals aren't curtailed by the Legislature.

Watch a video of the rally here.