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Check Out these New 'Ready for the Future' Proposals!

As a result of feedback and comments from CWA locals and members, we have made some changes to the most recent Ready for the Future proposals that will be considered by delegates at the 2010 CWA Convention.

The new proposals, approved by the Executive Board, are online at Members are encouraged to check out the new proposals and voice comments and ideas by logging on at and entering this access code: CWARFF2010. Note that anonymous comments can't be accepted.

Changes to the proposals include:

  • Four year terms for national officers, instead of two-year terms. In comments and postings, many locals indicated that holding elections at every convention might not be an effective way to carry out other convention business.  

  • In non-convention years, appeals will be addressed at a Presidents meeting. 

  • Clarification of language regarding the Communications and Technologies and Telecom sectors merger, to make it clear that bargaining responsibilities remain the same. This is a language change only.

This Ready for the Future effort is carrying out the 2005 CWA convention mandate to look at the "right sizing" of the CWA Executive Board by 2011 and to review the use of union resources to make sure our approach is effective and efficient. Any recommendations must be acted on by delegates at the 2010 convention to be implemented in 2011.

The Ready for the Future plan already has been a big success. Working together, we've accomplished a lot, including a hugely successful strategic industry fund (SIF) program that has financed bold campaigns, like Speed Matters, telecom fights and health care and bargaining rights. We have included local leader perspective through the at-large members on the Executive Board and built an active Stewards Army that has made a real difference.