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CWA: Keep the Joint Strike Fighter Engine Program

CWA and IUE-CWA members are contacting their U.S. Representatives in Congress to keep the F-136 Alternative Engine Program for the Joint Strike Fighter.

As part of the reauthorization and appropriations bills for military spending, the House will likely vote this week on an amendment that would strip funding for this program from the bill. Thousands of IUE-CWA members work at General Electric and build this competitive engine. These jobs would be eliminated if the amendment passes.

It's not too late: contact your U.S. Representative and urge him or her to oppose efforts to cut the Alternative Engine Program.

Jeff Crosby, president of IUE-CWA Local 81201, has a video message that's being provided to every congressional office, to make sure Representatives know just how important this program is to working families. Watch it here.