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Building COPE, Building Support for Working Families

CWAers Tomas Espinosa, Local 7076 EVP, left, and Michelle Lewis, Local President, greet Democratic gubernatorial candidate Diane Denish, a longtime supporter of working families in New Mexico.

Above, CWAers Tomas Espinosa, Local 7076 EVP, left, and Michelle Lewis, Local President, right, greet Democratic gubernatorial candidate Diane Denish, a longtime supporter of working families in New Mexico. Below, CWAers meet with Rep. Rick Boucher at the Labor Day picnic in southwestern Virginia.

 CWAers meet with Rep. Rick Boucher at the Labor Day picnic in southwestern Virginia.

At Labor Day events across the country, CWA activists were showing just how important it is to elect political leaders who support working families.

In Santa Fe, N.M., members of CWA Local 7076 wore the cool COPE t-shirts that read: "I know my member of Congress, do you?"

Across the country in Virginia, CWAers showed their support for Rep. Rick Boucher (D-9th district, VA) at a Labor Day event held by the Western Virginia AFL-CIO.

CWA's COPE contest is still going strong and will end in October, with the winners announced on Election Day, Nov. 2.

Members are signing up for COPE or increasing their current contributions. Every District and Sector that meets the minimum quota will hold a drawing among those members; districts or sectors that don't reach the minimum will hold a combined drawing. CWA will award up to eight top prizes of a trip for two to Las Vegas, including airfare and two nights' hotel accommodation.

Any CWAer who becomes a new contributor or increases her or his contributions by $1 a week or more will get a COPE t-shirt just like those worn by Local 7076 members. (see photo)

COPE contributions are the way CWA members show our support for elected officials and candidates that stand up for us. These voluntary contributions help keep our union and our union movement strong.