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CWA Districts 2 and 13 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call

Call Conducted Monday, October 12, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Mark Balsamo, President, and Steve Holland, CWA Local 2100
Bill Delaney, President, and Damon Dallas, CWA Local 2101
Johnny Brown, Secretary-Treasurer, CWA Local 2108
Alex Long, Vice President, CWA Local 2202
Alan Johnson, Vice President, CWA Local 2204
Jerry Rogers, President, CWA Local 2205
Jesse Davis, CWA Local 2222
Claudia Cole, Vice President, CWA Local 2336
Bill Evitt, CWA Representative, CWA District 2
Alex Minishak, CWA Representative, CWA District 13 and
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director


Participant Reports/New Issues-
Jesse Davis, CWA Local 2222, raised the topic of first aid training noting Verizon has not been conducting the required biennial training. However, after discussions with supervisors in Northern Virginia, the Company indicated they will re-initiate such training. To date, the Company has not provided training dates.  Jesse suggested other local OSH activists check to see if Verizon is providing the essential training.

Electrical Grounding-
Mark Balsamo, CWA Local 2100, Jesse Davis, CWA Local 2222 initiated a discussion reference electrical grounding/bonding procedures while installing FIOS cables. Issues were raised re. whose work/responsibility it is to install electrical grounding equipment, telecommunications technicians or electricians. David LeGrande mentioned this issue had been raised in (CWA) District 1 and an agreement had been reached with Verizon whereby the Company said they would adhere to the National Electrical Code. Bill Evitt agreed to raise this concern with Company representatives of the joint CWA District 2-Verizon safety and health committee. Upon clarification, he would report the results of theses discussions.

CWA Occupational Safety and Health Conference, October 3-5,  Holiday Inn On-the-Bay, San Diego, California-
David LeGrande discussed the featured topics including the economic crisis and occupational safety and health, workplace ergonomics and occupational stress, Pandemic Flu, workplace violence, and developing leadership skills through occupational safety and health training for the OSH Conference. He encouraged participants who are not registered to discuss attending the conference with their local President.

The Employee Free Choice Act and Occupational Safety and Health-
David LeGrande discussed the present status of the Employee Free Choice Act noting continuing legislative activity spearheaded by CWA, UAW, USW and the AFL-CIO. To date, it appears the legislation will be voted on by U.S. Congress later this year.

Advances in Occupational Safety and Health during the Obama Administration-
David LeGrande indicated the Obama Administration's actions in support of occupational and environmental safety and health including the nomination (and confirmation) of Hilda Solis as Secretary of Labor; the nomination of Dr. David Michaels as Assistant Secretary of Labor- OSHA; the appointment of Jordan Barab as Acting Assistant Secretary- OSHA (following David Michaels confirmation, Mr. Barab would become the Deputy Assistant Secretary; the selection of Dr. John Howard as NIOSH Director and Lisa Jackson as EPA Administrator. Already, these actions have led to several advances in occupational and environmental safety and health.

Sanitation Issues-
David LeGrande asked participants of the status of previously-discussed sanitation issues within telecommunications central offices and call centers. Alan Johnson, CWA Local 2204; and Claudia Cole, CWA Local 2336 reported Verizon's inadequate provision of sanitation procedures. In turn, Mark Balsamo, CWA Local 2100; and Jesse Davis, CWA Local 2222, indicated the need to bring these concerns to the attention of federal OSHA and Virginia's OSHA for the necessary action. David LeGrande asked involved activists to provide him with details of Verizon's response to the Union's demands to provide sanitary working conditions, bathrooms, and related issues.

CWA-University of California at Irvine Ergonomics and Job Stress Study-
David LeGrande provided a brief description of the study involving Southern California CWA technicians employed by Verizon. Very high and troubling occurrences of health problems associated with physical ergonomics and job stress were identified. In the near future, this information will be summarized and provided via the CWA OSH webpage to the Union's leaders and OSH activists.

David LeGrande reported on the continuing developments of the CWA Occupational Safety and Health and the USW Health, Safety and Environment Departments in their efforts to work more closely together in the development and conducting of education and training, grant writing and related work. Already, David has conducted workshops at the August, 2009 USW Health Safety and Environment Conference and USW personnel will be conducting similar sessions at the CWA Occupational Safety and Health Conference. In addition, the departments are presently writing and submitting training grants to OSHA and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. In the future, David indicated this work will lead to increased education and training opportunities for CWA OSH activists.

CWA OSH Web Page-
David LeGrande indicated the webpage is presently being updated with several improvements. These changes will result in significantly more information going to as well as measures to collect more data from OSH activists.

Date of the Next CWA District 2 and 13 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-The next CWA Districts 2 and 13 Occupational Safety and health conference call will be conducted Monday, December 14, 2009 from 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.