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2013 IUE-CWA Injury/Illness Investigation

During  January, 2013 Jim Clark, President of the IUE-CWA Manufacturing Division, sent a letter to all IUE-CWA Local Presidents asking them to formally request copies of the 2012 U.S. Department of Labor/Bureau of Labor Statistics OSHA 300 “Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses” and the OSHA 300A “Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses” from represented employers. The primary purpose of this activity was to identify represented-employer rates of occupational injuries and illnesses that have occurred among IUE-CWA members and represented workers and, in turn, suggest recommended action.

In addition, President Clark was interested in determining methods by which future workplace injuries/illnesses could be prevented. Based upon previous investigatory work, it was generally believed that the most effective means by which IUE-CWA locals would have a substantial impact upon the reduction of worker injuries/illnesses was through the establishment of effective, active local union and negotiated labor-management occupational safety and health committees. Thus, the existence and work of local union and joint labor-management occupational safety and health committees and the occurrence of workplace injuries and illnesses was included in this investigation. Information specific to workplace safety and health committees was gathered through conversations with national and local union officers and staff as well as local union safety and health activists. The Union’s Occupational Safety and Health Department assisted President Clark in designing the tools to collect the information regarding workplace injuries and illnesses as well as analyzing the collected data and preparing this report of findings. 

Read the entire report here: 2013 IUE-CWA Local Union Occupational Injury/Illness Investigation: Analysis of Reported Injury and Illness Rates Among Represented IUE-CWA Manufacturing Facilities