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2013 CWA/USW Health, Safety and Environment Conference

The 2013 CWA/USW Health, Safety and Environment Conference will be held September 23-27, 2013, at the Pittsburgh Convention Center and Westin Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The conference is designed for participation by local union occupational health and safety activists.

The national conference will emphasize:

  • Increasing participant knowledge and skills,
  • Developing strategies to improve day-to-day member working conditions, and
  • Developing ongoing health and safety networks.

The joint conference convenes at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, September 23, with an all-day, union-only session. Immediately after the close of the Monday plenary session and workshops, there will be a special CWA meeting. Beginning Tuesday, September 24, through Friday, September 27, all plenary sessions/workshops will be joint labor-management. (Per collective bargaining agreements between the USW and represented employers, management health and safety representatives participate in the conference). The conference will adjourn Friday by 12:00 p.m.

Workshop sessions conducted Tuesday through Friday will target various specialized topics such as a Union Approach to Health and Safety Committees, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics, Heat Stress, and Labor and the Environment.

Occupational and environmental health and safety remains a key concern for our members and the joint conference will expand our opportunities to improve the Union’s health and safety programs.

Conference Logistics and Registration Information