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April 28 -- Workers' Memorial Day

Letter from CWA President Larry Cohen to CWA Staff and Locals

Dear Colleagues:

On April 4, CWA leaders and activists stood with other unions and allied organizations to honor Dr. King who died in Memphis, Tennessee, while fighting to bring collective bargaining rights and respect for 1,300 public sanitation workers.

On April 28, we continue that fight for dignity and respect as CWA and the U.S. labor movement will celebrate and observe Workers’ Memorial Day.  This year the theme for Workers’ Memorial Day is “Safe Jobs/Save Lives: Our Work’s Not Done.”  Workers’ Memorial Day – 2011 is of particular significance to CWA as we lost three members to preventable workplace fatalities during the last year.  Many of our members also needlessly suffer from work-related injuries and illnesses.

Forty years ago, U.S. Congress passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act, promising every worker the right to a safe and healthful job.  CWAers have fought hard to make that promise a reality ─ winning protections which have made jobs more safe and healthful.

While the Obama Administration has strengthened enforcement of serious workplace safety and health violators and has proposed new safeguards for workplace hazards, the Chamber of Commerce and National Association of Manufacturers, along with the new Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives are trying to roll back existing protections.  Further, these anti-worker organizations are trying to slash federal and state budgets for job safety enforcement and standards.         

Join us on April 28 and stand for healthy and safe work environments.  

Workers’ Memorial Day events and planning materials are available from the AFL-CIO’s website:; or e-mail:
As you plan your mobilization activities, please let CWA's OSH department know by using the attached form to send reports along with photographs of your events.  Dave LeGrande, CWA Health and Safety Director (, can provide support, as necessary.
In Unity,

Larry Cohen

cc:  CWA Executive Board and Staff   

Attachment: Workers' Memorial Day Report: