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2007 AT&T Performance Award (APA) for Represented Occupational Employees

Please see below information we received from AT&T regarding the 2007 AT&T Performance Award (APA) for Represented Occupational Employees.

In Unity,
Ralph V. Maly, Jr.
Vice President - C&T


January 25, 2008


Mr. R. V. Maly, Jr., Vice President, CWA

Ms. M. J. Pultar, Director of Telecommunications, IBEW

Mr. P.A. Pusateri, Chairman, System Council T-3, IBEW


Re: 2007 AT&T Performance Award (APA) for Represented Occupational Employees


The 2007 APA for Represented Occupational Employees will reflect a payout of 117% based on year-end financial performance.  Based on these results, the full-year equivalent award for eligible employees will be $878.


The APA payment for eligible employees, shall be payable on February 29, 2008.   Such payment will be subject to federal, state and local tax and FICA withholding.  Where appropriate, award payments shall be used in calculating an employee’s wage rate for determining the amount of union dues deduction. In addition, Savings Plan (LTSSP) contributions shall be deducted from the award payment.


Additional information will be provided in the “2007 AT&T Performance Award (APA) Bulletin” available to employees via company intranet:,1452,IE5-3466,00.html


Please call me if you have any questions.



Diane Bradley


cc: L. J. Smith