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Election 2016 Update

Statement by the Communications Workers of America on the Presidential Election Results:

It will take some time to get used to the fact that Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States.

CWA and the labor movement are more determined than ever to protect working families, jobs and communities, and we're ready hold President-Elect Trump to his promises to advance the middle class.


CWAers helped deliver U.S. Senate victories in California for Kamala Harris, in Illinois for Tammy Duckworth, in Nevada for Catherine Cortez Masto, and in New Hampshire for Maggie Hassan.

CWAers helped elect Roy Cooper governor of North Carolina and worked hard to give Democrats a majority control of both Houses of the legislature in New Mexico and Nevada.

Pro-worker ballot initiatives did well on Tuesday. In Virginia, CWA activists helped defeat a right-to-work constitutional amendment, and won minimum wage increases in Arizona, Colorado, Maine, and Washington.

Additionally, CWA activists and allies were at the heart of these campaigns to restore the voice of working people to our democracy:


Voters passed a ballot measure calling for the automatic voter registration of citizens when they apply for the Personal Dividend Fund. The PDF is paid annually to Alaskans.

Howard County, Maryland

Voters passed Question A, establishing the Citizens’ Election Fund and creating a small donor matching program for county council and county executive races.

California and Washington

Citizens in both states voted to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United decision and other decisions that allow big money to flood our politics.


The voters defeated Initiative 71 that would have made it very expensive and very difficult to get an initiative on the ballot, restricting the right of ordinary people to hold referenda on critical issues.


Voters passed Amendment 2, reinstating campaign donation limits for individual candidates for state and local elections, and for political parties.

South Dakota

Voters approved Initiative Measure 22 to stop unlimited gifts from lobbyists to politicians and strengthen the ability of ethics law enforcement to investigate lobbyists and politicians for breaking the rules.

Berkeley, California

Voters said yes to Measure X1, a voluntary system to publicly fund elections. Candidates who refuse money from special-interest PACs and accept only contributions of $50 or less receive a limited amount of matching funds.

Multnomah County, Oregon

Voters passed limits on contributions and expenditures and required disclosure of donors for county candidate elections.


AFL-CIO Leaders Hear from Top Democrats

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) talked with AFL-CIO leaders today, including CWA President Chris Shelton, about their commitment to continue to fight for working families.

Warren said that Democrats will work with the Republicans if they actually move toward improving the economy and tax fairness for working families. But if they pursue the agenda of corporate America, "we will fight them every step of the way."

Watch Warren's remarks here.