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DirecTV Ratification Results

TO: CWA Locals Representing DirecTV Members / CWA Members at DirecTV


We are thrilled to announce that the results of the election to ratify the DirecTV National Video Contract have been counted and we have an incredible achievement to celebrate. The contract has been ratified with an astounding 100% of the votes received in favor of the agreement. This resounding show of unity and support underscores the strength and commitment of our membership.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of you for your dedication to securing this new agreement. Your engagement in the ratification process has been instrumental in shaping the future working conditions of our DirecTV employees.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our deep appreciation for the hard work and tireless efforts of the bargaining team members, who have been instrumental in achieving this milestone. Specifically, we want to acknowledge the exceptional contributions of Tiffany Meier from Local 7103 and Ashley Hurt from Local 3803. Their expertise, resilience and commitment have played a pivotal role in ensuring the success of this negotiation.

With this new agreement in place, we are moving forward with improved terms and conditions that reflect the priorities of our membership. The solidarity and cooperation demonstrated throughout this process exemplifies the true spirit of the CWA.

As we implement the terms of the new contract, we remain committed to maintaining open lines of communication with you, our valued members. If you have any questions or require further information regarding the agreement, please do not hesitate to reach out to your respective local union leadership.

Once again, thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to the betterment of our DirecTV employees' working lives. We look forward to a future of continued collaboration and success.