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CWAers Support Introduction of the FAIR MAPS Act
On Tuesday, CWAers joined Representative Wiley Nickel (D–N.C.) on Capitol Hill for the introduction of the FAIR MAPS Act to end partisan gerrymandering nationwide. The legislation would double the number of competitive seats in Congress, ensuring that every American voter has a real voice in choosing our elected representatives.
"Extreme partisan gerrymandering makes it hard for working families to have their voices heard and to hold their elected officials accountable,” said Tysianna Marino, CWA Legislative Advisor. “It allows for a system to exist where elected officials are picking their voters instead of voters having a fair chance at picking their elected officials. The FAIR MAPs Act puts us a step closer to a fully functioning democracy by ensuring that voters have real options and feel empowered to cast their vote."
CWA Legislative Advisor Tysianna Marino (third from right) joins Representative Wiley Nickel (center) to introduce the FAIR MAPS Act.