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CWAers Build Worker Power at 2018 CWA Minority Leadership Institute

Last week, thirteen CWA members completed an intensive residential training program as part of the 2018 CWA Minority Leadership Institute (MLI). MLI was established in 1983 to increase the involvement of women and members of color at every level of our union. Each of the participants was nominated by their respective District/Sector Vice Presidents based on their continued dedication to the union and our labor movement.

During the program, participants analyzed systems of oppression behind the challenges our country faces and explored the need for building collective power through transformative organizing. They sharpened their skills and learned new tools for effective organizing, legislative and political advocacy, communication, mobilization, collective bargaining, grievance handling, and arbitration. Participants developed work plans detailing how they will incorporate their training into their ongoing work at the local level. Class sessions were led by union leaders including CWA Secretary-Treasurer Sara Steffens and Assistant to the President Ameenah Salaam.

CWA District 6 Vice President and head of CWA's Human Rights Program Claude Cummings, Jr., joined the participants for their graduation ceremony. During the ceremony, class members shared their renewed motivation and their excitement about applying their training into their ongoing work in their local unions and communities.

CWAers gathered last week for the 2018 CWA Minority Leadership Institute (MLI).
Group photo, bottom right: Top row, left: Byron Hoskins, CWA Local 6327; Lawrence Baker, CWA Local 4217.
Second row left: Tim Fitzgerald, NewsGuild-CWA Local 32035; Eric Jones, CWA Local 6215; Christian Stephens, AFA-CWA Local 21085.
Third row left: Jorge Lara, NABET-CWA Local 54041; Miguel Scoby, CWA Local 9400; Steven Chambers, CWA Local 2201; Ebony Adkins, CWA Local 1040.
Bottom row left: Andrell Hubbard, CWA Local 3902; Celeste Jones, CWA Local 7901; Kendall Bell, IUE-CWA Local 81381; Misty Lammons, CWA Local 1033.