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CWA Telecommunications and Technologies Members Build Power at Annual Leadership Conference

Last week, CWAers from across the country gathered for this year’s Telecommunications and Technologies (T&T) Leadership Conference in Orlando, Fla. CWA President Chris Shelton delivered a video message applauding the T&T members’ victories bargaining strong contracts and fighting back against greedy corporations who have failed to recognize our contributions and want to weaken our unions by outsourcing jobs instead of investing in good paying, union protected jobs. “When they needed us to show up and keep our country’s communications network running during the most dangerous days of the pandemic, we were essential. Now, we are expendable. Their outrageous and shameful greed knows no bounds unless we put a stop to it,” said Shelton.

He also highlighted the recent political victories in the 2022 midterm elections and thanked the T&T members for mobilizing with the rest of the union to fight for pro-worker candidates. In addition, Shelton stressed the need to continue to negotiate strong contracts, organize new workers, and stay mobilized at all times. “It has to be a priority for us to take advantage of this momentum to grow our union, just as much as it is to negotiate contracts that have strong protections against the outsourcing of good, union protected jobs. But in order to be effective, we have to build enough power. We have to mobilize and stay engaged, not just during contract fights but every day, at every local and every worksite, in every bargaining unit and every community, in the voting booth, online, and in the streets,” said Shelton.

CWA Secretary-Treasurer Sara Steffens attended in person and spoke to participants about organizing and mobilizing for power. She reiterated that we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to organize new workers into our labor movement and build enough power and strength to take on the corporate bosses who have stood in the way of progress for so long. “When workers begin to stand together in our power, anything is possible. Hands down, the best thing happening in America right now is workers organizing,” said Steffens. She added, “We must stand with newly organized workers, in CWA and beyond, as they fight for their first collective bargaining agreements. Show up at their rallies. Join their picket lines. These fights will be incredibly tough, but so are we!”

CWA T&T Sector Vice President Lisa Bolton also addressed the crowd and expressed her gratitude to see everyone in person after three years. She shared her excitement about re-engaging and mobilizing T&T members like never before. “Our power comes from our solidarity and we know the importance of having everyone informed and involved,” said Bolton.

Conference participants also heard from CWA District 3 Vice President Richard Honeycutt and other guest speakers and attended educational workshops.