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CWA President Chris Shelton Wins FDR Award

CWA President Chris Shelton was awarded the 2019 Franklin D. Roosevelt Distinguished Public Service Award, which honors individuals whose careers exemplify President Roosevelt's extraordinary dedication to public service.
CWA President Chris Shelton is this year's recipient of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Distinguished Public Service Award. The award, presented by the Roosevelt Institute, honors individuals whose careers exemplify President Roosevelt's extraordinary dedication to public service and seek to inspire a renewed national commitment to the principles for which FDR stood. Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-Cal.), a formidable ally for working people and CWA in Congress, was this year's other honoree.
"Democracy cannot survive without a vibrant labor movement," Shelton told attendees at the award ceremony this week. "We must restore the right of workers to organize to defend themselves. Together, we are going to build that progressive populist movement and make sure the Democratic Party stands up and fights for our values. We will bring power back to the working people of this country."