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CWA Piedmont Passenger Service and Ramp Agents Mobilize for Liveable Pay

The CWA bargaining committee met with Piedmont management last week to continue bargaining for a fair contract for passenger service and ramp agents.

As the bargaining committee prepared to pass its first wage and economic proposal, CWA members at Piedmont mobilized to show their support and tell the company that passenger service and ramp agents need a contract that provides fair pay. At four airports across the country—Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Charlotte, and Fresno—mobilizers printed out fake dollar bills that read: “Liveable Pay, Liveable Life.” The CWA economic proposal would provide a livable wage, cut the number and length of pay scales, increase pay when working mandatory overtime, and increase holidays and vacation time.

The bargaining committee has reached a critical point in negotiations and is urging every CWA Piedmont member to get involved and join the fight for a fair, strong contract.

The next bargaining session is scheduled for July 16-18.

Piedmont Mobilization