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CWA Local 7777 Members Push for Higher Standards for Colorado Students
Last week, CWA Local 7777 member Sandra Parker Murray presented the testimony of Local 7777 Vice President Marlene Jimenez in support of H.B. 1249 (Safety and Accountability in School Contracting) at a Colorado House Education Committee hearing.
"For many of us, the schools we clean are our community and like a family," Jimenez's testimony said. "We take care of them as if our own kids are attending. I strongly urge this committee to support House Bill 1249 and make sure we are maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness, effectiveness, and safety for our students."
The bill is still under consideration, but there is organized, powerful pushback from the business community, along with some school leaders that fear transparency and higher labor standards.
Coloradans can support the bill by calling their state lawmakers and asking them to support H.B. 1249 for safety and accountability in school contracting.
Last week, CWA Local 7777 member Sandra Parker Murray presented the testimony of Local 7777 Vice President Marlene Jimenez in support of H.B. 1249 (Safety and Accountability in School Contracting) at a Colorado House Education Committee hearing.