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CWA to Congress: Save Union Jobs at the Government Printing Office
Along with 11 other major unions, CWA wrote a letter to members of the Committee on House Administration to express concern about legislation that would directly threaten union jobs at the Government Printing Office (GPO), while providing no reduction in cost or improvement of service.
"As we understand it, the proposal being considered authorizes congressional printing and publishing to be contracted out despite the fact that there is no indication that any funds can be saved by this practice," the unions wrote.
"As drafted, this proposal undermines the rights and very livelihoods of union members at the GPO. A proposal like this...should be written collaboratively and in a bipartisan fashion, with the input of all stakeholders especially GPO employees and their union leadership."
The unions urged Members of Congress to pull this proposal from consideration and start over with the full participation of all stakeholders at the table, and to vote "no" if the proposal moves to mark-up in its current form.