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CWA, Allies Challenge Executive Order on Regulation

CWA, the consumer group Public Citizen, and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) went to court to block the Trump administration from implementing an executive order requiring federal agencies to repeal two federal regulations for every new rule they issue.

The executive order requires new rules to have a net cost of $0 this fiscal year, without taking into account the value of the benefits of public protections.

CWA President Chris Shelton said, “It is unbelievable that the Trump administration is demanding that workers trade off one set of job health and safety protections in order to get protection from another equally dangerous condition. This order means that the asbestos workplace standard, for example, could be discarded in order to adopt safeguards for nurses from infectious diseases in their workplaces. This violates the mission of the Occupational Safety and Health administration to protect workers’ safety and health. It also violates common sense.”

Read more here.