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Bargaining Update
Middlesex County Board of Social Services
Local 1082 members (New Brunswick, NJ) overwhelmingly voted 77-0 to ratify a 4-year contract at the Middlesex County the Board of Social Services. The agreement covers nearly 300 social services workers at the division that administers welfare benefits for county residents.
The new agreement saw significant improvement on wages, while maintaining benefits for workers. The improvement in wages includes increasing base pay for current workers and raising the starting salary for new hires. The agreement also secures step increments – annual increases in base pay given to workers on the anniversary of their hire date. Over 4 years, workers will see an 8 percent increase in wages retroactive to the expiration of the contract. Healthcare contribution levels were also maintained.
Local 1082 members overwhelmingly ratified a new 4-year contract at Middlesex Co Board of Social Services.
West River Telecom
Workers in North Dakota, members of CWA Local 7301, fought back against West River Telecom demands to cut their pensions and other benefits.
Led by Local 7301 President Gene Wolf and bargaining committee members Todd Murschel and Mark Fiest, members mobilized, ultimately gaining a tentative agreement that maintained the current pension and health care benefits, provided a 3 percent wage increase (retroactive) for all titles in each year of the agreement, and improved contract language.
A big percentage of the 52 members showed up nightly for update meetings during bargaining, pointing to the ability of smaller CWA units to hold their ground and make great gains for current and future members.